Solapas principales

(Go to Sign Form) Español

From the vantage point of Latin America and the Caribbean, declared a Zone of Peace by CELAC, we applaud the holding of the Group of 77 plus China Summit, to take place in Santa Cruz (13-14th of June) on its fiftieth anniversary of defending the interests of the countries of the global South. At the same time, we call upon the summit to make a firm commitment to world peace, cooperation, and mutual respect among peoples, cultures and countries.


We identify with the processes of integration of “Our America”, and in particular with the commitment of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to establish this region as a Zone of Peace. We accept as our own “the engagement of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean to encourage relations of friendship and cooperation among themselves and with other nations, independently of any differences that may exist between their political, economic and social systems or their levels of development; to practice tolerance and to live together in peace as good neighbours”, as declared in the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace.


For the same reasons, we call upon the G77+China to echo these engagements at the level of world relations.


Whatever specific themes the Summit will address, we understand that peace is a condition and a principle that is central to the whole agenda of the G77+China. Among other things, we call on the Summit to affirm:


– The commitment, following the example of CELAC, to actively promote the peaceful resolution of differences among nations, through dialogue, negotiation or other forms of solution, in full harmony with International Law;


– the decision to promote nuclear disarmament and the elimination of the use of other weapons that indiscriminately affect civilian populations, such as land mines and drone attacks; to further the process of reduction of conventional weapons and to avoid useless arms races, and to engage in programmes of progressive demilitarization;


– a common will to prevent the great powers from developing their confrontations within the territory of third countries, such as is now happening in Syria, and which threatens to occur in Iran and Ukraine; as well as to defend territorial integrity and to demand the withdrawal of foreign troops from all occupied territories;


– a commitment to the proposal to draw up a world agreement for the prohibition of cyber-war and cyber-weapons;


– a resounding rejection of cyber-espionage and agreements to develop secure and decentralized systems in Internet, with full guarantees for the rights of citizens;


– a clear undertaking to speed the adoption of binding global agreements to save our planet from the threat of climate change and environmental catastrophe;


– the engagement to support efforts to overcome colonialism in the world;


– the firm rejection of any and all attempts at external interference, destined to destabilize the processes of change that are underway in our region, and the rejection of efforts to undermine the credibility and the progress of integration.


For our own part, as media, social and citizens’ organizations, journalists and communicators, activists, academics and other citizens, we are committed to continuing our endeavours to promote integration in our region, as well as peace and harmonious coexistence in the world.


Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Premio Nobel de la Paz

Agencia Latinoamericana de Información -ALAI


Articulación Continental de Movimientos Sociales hacia el ALBA

Asociación Latinoamericana de Educación Radiofónica -ALER

Fundación para la Integración Latinoamericana - FILA

Jubileo Sur/Américas

Observatorio Latinoamericano de Geopolítica

Pressenza – IPA


Resumen Latinoamericano


Centro de Educacion y Produccion Radiofonica-CEPRA, Bolivia

Colombia Informa

Periódico Desdeabajo, Colombia

Revista Punto Final, Chile

Centro Memorial Martín Luther King, Cuba

Centro de Comunicación Popular Nuestroamericano, Ecuador

CORAPE, Ecuador

Mónica Bruckmann, Perú

Ana Esther Ceceña, México

Oscar Ugarteche, Perú/México

Raúl Zibechi, Uruguay

Adalid Contreras Baspineiro, Bolivia/Ecuador

Irene León, Ecuador

Sally Burch, Ecuador

Julio Fermín, Venezuela

Tito Leyva, Nicaragua

Harald Neuber, Alemania

Gervasio Espinosa, Argentina-Uruguay

Red de Redes En Defensa de la Humanidad-Cuba. EDH -Cuba

Isel Llerena del Castillo Rede de Redes en Defensa de la Humanidad-Cuba

Lillian Alvarez EDH -Cuba

Ariana López Rede de Redes en Defensa de la Humanidad-Cuba

Omar Gonzalez Red de Redes en Defensa de la Humanidad-Cuba

Carolina Sánchez Red de Redes en Defensa de la Humanidad-Cuba

Radio la Voz Indígena de Tartagal, Argentina.

Radio Bambú. Beni-Bolivia.

Red de Noticias de la Amazonía. Brasil.

Partido Humanista, Chile

Radio Huayacocotla. México. 

Radio Seybo. República Dominicana.

Radio Veraguas. Panamá.

Radio Temblor. Panamá.

Chami Radio. La Libertad-Perú..

Mario Aguilar Arévalo - Dirigente Nacional Colegio de Profesores de Chiles

Francisca Montecino Mack - Diseñadora textil

Efren Osorio-Fundación Moebius-Chile

Juan Enrique Prieto Urzúa- Abogado Humanista

Red Mujeres Transformando la Economia, REMTE-Ecuador

IT for Change, India

Jacobo Vargas Foronda, Guatemala

Banana Link Banana Link, Gran Bretaña

Instituto Imersão Latina Imel, Brasil

Centro de Desarrollo Ambiental y Humano CENDAH, Panamá

Tania Jamardo Faillace Faillace, Brasil

José Manuel Rojas Delgadillo, Bolivia

Red Regional de Justicia y Paz RedPaz, Guatemala

Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Dem. PIDHDD Regional, Ecuador

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